Z Presets Installation

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This video shows you how to install Presets & Custom Profiles in the newest version of Adobe Lightroom Classic, Adobe Lightroom CC, and Adobe Camera Raw.



This video shows you how to install Presets & Custom Profiles in the newest version of Adobe Lightroom Classic, Adobe Lightroom CC, and Adobe Camera Raw.

I’m a big believer in working more efficiently AND developing my images in somewhat of a consistent way. Unfortunately, this usually meant I was creating different “strengths” of presets and if I ever wanted to tweak certain values, I would end up creating an endless variety of saved presets. What I really wanted was a starting point - like a film stock or a color grade to point me in the right direction saving me time and getting me closer to my desired result. 

在过去几年中,Adobe 实施了一种更好的方法来实现此目的:扩展我们使用配置文件的方式。他们已经使用 Lightroom 和 Camera Raw 一段时间了,但除了嵌入式相机样式之外,没有太多灵活性。现在有了。我们有能力扩展可能的动态范围和色调,在调整显影滑块之前将自定义颜色和亮度映射到图像。

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